Colors & Patterns
Ragdoll cats come in several
different colors and patterns, as well as different coat types. Every Ragdoll cat will have a coat type, color, and pattern. While there are so many so many different coat possibilities, Ragdoll cats all share the same puppy like personality that the breed is known for!
Ragdoll Coat Types.
Traditional Ragdoll kittens
are born completely white and slowly develop their color. Traditional Ragdolls always have blue eyes, and they also have the most contrast between their color points (face, ears, tail) and body.
Mink Ragdolls are born with color, and compared to Traditional Ragdolls, they have thicker, and plusher coats. The coat of a Mink has less contrast between the color points and body, and they also have gorgeous aqua
eyes instead of blue.
Sepia Ragdolls are born
with nearly full color that deepens to an incredibly dark and rich colored coat. Sepias are substantially darker than Traditional and even Mink Ragdolls. While the other coat types have specific eye color, Sepia Ragdolls can have eyes of any color. Sepia Ragdolls have the thickest, richest coat among Ragdolls, and they also have the
least contrast between their color
points and body.

Seal Mitted Traditional (top), Seal Mitted Mink (bottom left), Seal Mitted Sepia (bottom right)
Ragdoll Coat Colors.
Seal & Blue
Seal and Blue are the most common Ragdoll colors. Seal is a beautiful rich brown color, and Blue, the diluted color of Seal, is a gorgeous gray color like a rain cloud.
Chocolate & Lilac
Chocolate Ragdolls have beautiful milk chocolate colored points with a very light ivory colored body. Lilac, the diluted color of Chocolate, is a very light frosty gray color with a very slight pinkish tinge.
Cinnamon & Fawn
Cinnamon and Fawn
and very rare colors that are quite hard to find. Cinnamon is a russet, reddish brown
color. Fawn, the diluted color, is a lighter shade of Cinnamon.
Ragdoll Coat Patterns.
A mitted Ragdoll has matching white mittens on its feet as well as a white chin, white chest, and white belly stripe. The mitted pattern can also sometimes have a white blaze in-between the eyes. Again, depending on the coat type of the cat, the body may be white or ivory (Traditional), just slightly lighter than the points (Mink), or nearly the same color with very little contrast (Sepia).
The colorpoint pattern is just as the name implies, color on the points! The cat's points (ears, face, feet, and tail) will have well-defined color. Depending on the cat's coat type, the body may be white or ivory (Traditional), just slightly lighter than the points (Mink), or nearly the same color as the points (Sepia).
For a bicolor Ragdoll, the points are restricted to the ears, tail, mask, and saddle area. The mask has a white, inverted "V" which remains within the outer edges of the eyes. The cat's chin, chest, underside, legs, and feet are completely white; though minor spots of color may be displayed with pet quality cats. Just like with the other patterns, the contrast between the cat's point and body depend on the coat type.
Lynx Ragdolls have tabby points, pencil lines on the face, white eyeliner, and white rimmed ears. The lynx pattern is actually an overlay to any of the above patterns. This variation is caused by the dominant agouti gene which "switches on" the tabby markings. The lynx pattern can be found overlaying any of the above colors and patterns, but it is most obvious with darker colored coats.
Our breeding
program with our current
Ragdolls can produce the following colors and patterns:
Seal Colorpoint
Seal Colorpoint Lynx
Seal Mitted
Seal Mitted Lynx
Seal BiColor
Seal BiColor Lynx
Seal Mink
Seal Lynx Mink
Seal Mitted Mink
Seal Mitted Mink Lynx
Seal BiColor Mink
Seal BiColor Lynx Mink
Seal Sepia
Seal Lynx Sepia
Seal Mitted Sepia
Seal Mitted Sepia Lynx
Chocolate Colorpoint
Chocolate Colorpoint Lynx
Chocolate Mitted
Chocolate Mitted Lynx
Chocolate BiColor
Chocolate Mink
Chocolate Lynx Mink
Chocolate Mitted Mink
Chocolate Mitted Lynx Mink
Chocolate BiColor Mink
Chocolate Sepia
Chocolate Mitted Sepia
Cinnamon Mink
Cinnamon Mink Lynx
Cinnamon Mitted Mink
Cinnamon Mitted Mink Lynx
Cinnamon Sepia
Cinnamon Lynx Sepia
Cinnamon Mitted Sepia
Cinnamon Mitted Lynx Sepia
Blue Colorpoint
Blue Lynx Colorpoint
Blue Mitted
Blue Mitted Lynx
Blue BiColor
Blue Lynx BiColor
Blue Mink
Blue Lynx Mink
Blue Mitted Mink
Blue Mitted Lynx Mink